Below are the documents required for an AU ( PTY LTD )
1. Current ASIC Company Extract. Below is what a Company Extract looks like. You can get it from the ASIC website.
2. Company proof of address document (e.g. bank letter/statement, utility bill or government issued document)
The proof of address document must clearly display the company name, current principal place of business and have an issue date within the last 3 months.
Directors/Managers and members classified as a UBO will need to provide 1x identity document and 1x proof of address document.
A UBO is defined as an individual who holds a minimum of 25% of capital or voting rights in the underlying entity.
Identity Document - this can be any of the following types of documents:
- Passport
- Driver's License
- National Identity Card
- The identity document must be valid, clear and in colour. If the document is double-sided, please also provide a copy of the backside.
The documents must be in JPG or PDF format. If you are using HEIC, you can use the tool below to convert your HEIC to JPG format:
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