Should you wish to open a joint account, you will need to open one individual account first and submit the individual's documents.
Identity Document - this can be any of the following types of documents:
- Passport
- Driver's License
- National Identity Card
The identity document must be valid, clear and in colour. If the document is double sided, please also provide a copy of the backside.
Proof of Address document - this can be any of the following types of documents:
- Utility Bill (electricity, gas, water or landline phone bill)
- Bank Letter or Statement
- Government Issued Document
The proof of address document must clearly display your full name, current residential address, and have an issue date within the last 3 months. Note that PO Boxes will not be accepted as a residential address.
Please note that both parties need to agree in order to join the accounts.
Once you have completed the necessary steps, you may submit a request to convert your account from individual to joint by reaching out to our customer support team. Please note that we will need the documentation for the other account member to proceed with your request.
Please see the following articles for information on each account type:
For more information:
To contact us, please visit our Contact page